Hi. I write things.
I'm a novelist, playwright, and audio drama producer. I enjoy writing about spiritual crisis, misplaced guilt, religious terror, environmental madness, doomed romance, and cosmic chaos. Sometimes robots.

My independent audio fiction has been chosen as a Platinum Selection of the HEAR Now Festival  A Showcase Selection of the PodTales Festival • Co-Winner of the Audio Verse Awards' Writing of a New Spoken Word Production • and awarded Best Speculative Fiction Story (Long Form) from the Parsec Awards.
I wrote and directed an hour-long version of my play The Birthing Pit, a Gothic Romance at the end of the American Revolutionary War, in the 2017 Hollywood Fringe Festival • Audiences called it "Beautiful," "Haunting," and "Macabre."
I wrote, directed, edited, and created the visual effects of The House That Jack Built, a short fairy tale film which aired annually during Halloween on PBS in the United States and was distributed by Ouat Media in Europe • 2012 Best Editing Prairie State Film Festival • 2010 Founder’s Award Wildwood Film Festival
I love books. Their size. Their shape. Their smell. The texture of their pages. I love them. Favorites include A Canticle for LeibowitzNausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Jane Eyre, Watership Down, and Giants in the Earth.
I'm from Wisconsin but now live in Los Angeles. 
I miss the snow but not the cold.

In May of 2024 I had a heart attack. The doctor described it as “massive.” Please monitor your cholesterol. If you live a sedentary life— writing, creating with computers— get off your butt. The day will start like any other.

If you're looking for development posts about The Apostate— my Joan of Arc play— you can find them here.