Most die never saying what they meant to. Never hearing what they should. Made mute by fear-- and deaf by pride.
Deep beneath the impossible mountain Rúnhallr is a stone of power called valdrsten. To mine its wealth one must release a foul humor which drowns our loved ones, turning them into vengeful sea-draugr.
Against this dire history a Valkyrie named Hildr recruits dying warriors for her own secret purpose.
Against this dire history a Valkyrie named Hildr recruits dying warriors for her own secret purpose.
I am currently seeking a publisher for my novel Valkyrie. You can watch the trailer below and listen to some excerpts.
And you can email me about Valkyrie at—>
hello [at] byWilliamJMeyer [dot] com
hello [at] byWilliamJMeyer [dot] com
This novel grew out of my short play Waiting to Die in a Tent, A Few Thoughts on Valhalla ...which you can read via New Play Exchange
You can also hear an audio drama version of this short play below.
Starring Boyd Barrett • Karin Heimdahl • Owen McCuen • and Madeline Goshorn • Featuring the Icelandic folk song "Krummavísur" written by Jón Thoroddsen and performed by Sigurboði Grétarsson • Featured as a Platinum Selection in the 2020 HEAR Now Festival